If you’re heading to the island of Grenada, you should know how to say hello in Grenada. You may also want to know what “liming around” means to the locals.
How To Say Hello In Grenada & What Does “Liming Around” Mean? English is the primary language spoken in Grenada, so a simple “Hello” will do the trick. Liming around is the local way of referring to chilling or hanging out. Two versions of Creole are also recognized in Grenada—English and French. After you say hello to your new Grenadian friends, you can lime around on the gorgeous island. However, there’s much more to it than saying “Hello” and liming around with the locals.
Greetings in Grenada
Whether you pass people by or meet up with them, you should follow the local customs for greetings. Like other countries, Grenada has some unique customs and “rules” you should follow when greeting others.
- Overall, politeness is encouraged and appreciated. Don’t be afraid to say “Good Morning” or “Good Evening” when greeting someone.
- When greeting and interacting with Grenadians, make some eye contact, but not a lot. Too much eye contact looks like you’re staring.
- A man greeting a man in a casual setting will nod his head to the other person. In a formal setting, two men will shake hands.
- Two women will greet each other by saying, “Hello.” If they’re friends, they might hug or kiss each other on the cheeks. For more formal meetings, two women will shake hands, just like two men would.
- When a man and a woman greet each other, they might nod to each other or greet the other person verbally.
- When you first meet someone, call them by their proper title (Mr., Mrs., etc.), followed by their last name. Wait for that person to tell you it’s okay before you address them by their first name.
- If you make plans with a local, you should know they might show up late. The locals rarely arrive on time, and public transportation is usually late as well. However, in professional situations, Grenadians are punctual.
Common Phrases in Grenada
When you travel to a new country, you need to be able to communicate with the locals. Without some basic communication, you will have a much harder time finding your way around.
The good news is that English speakers don’t have to worry about communication in Grenada. Even if some Grenadians have thicker accents, you can always ask them to speak slowly so that you can better understand them.
Still, it can be helpful to know some common phrases that the Grenadians use. That way, you can understand more of their responses. Here are some common phrases and slang that you might hear during your time in Grenada.
- Grenada is pronounced Greh-NAY-da.
- Say Cah-rib-BE-an, not Cah-RIB-bee-an.
- If you want to chill or hang out with the locals, ask them about liming around. Liming around is a big deal in Grenada. It’s what they say when talking about any sort of relaxing activity. Liming can also refer to a small group of people doing a pre-arranged activity.
- Greens or Greenz is an affectionate nickname for Grenada.
- Oil Down is the national dish, which contains chicken, pork, crab, green plantain, breadfruit, taro leaves, dense dumplings, saffron or turmeric, and coconut milk.
- When talking about the capital, St. George, locals will call it town.
- Going drivay means going for a drive.
- To tell a Grenadian that you’re leaving, use the phrase Ah gone.
- When talking to groups, the locals might refer to “you guys” as allyuh or among you.
There are tons of phrases and slang that you might hear in Grenada. The Caribbean Dictionary is the perfect guide if you want to improve your knowledge of Grenadian slang.

The Languages, Accents, and Dialects of Grenada
While English is the official language of Grenada, it’s far from the only language in use. The island has a long history of colonization and has been ruled by the British and French empires at one point or another.
Aside from English, Grenada recognizes two languages, the first of which is Grenadian English Creole, and the other is Grenadian French Creole.
The accents and dialects on the island are influenced by the Creole languages. African languages and a mixture of French and Caribbean dialects also show up around the country.
You might also hear someone speaking a dialect called French Patois, or a non-standard form of French, in Grenada.
The Origins and History of Languages in Grenada
British rule over Grenada played a significant role in English becoming the official language. After all, the British Empire needed a way to communicate with the people in their former colonies. Grenada’s time under French rule meant that the French also had an influence over the language and culture.
This explains why, like people of other Caribbean islands, Grenadians speak multiple Creole languages.
Both Creole languages have been influenced by African languages as well. The African influence is due to the fact that a significant majority of Grenadians have African ancestry.
Overall, the country has a significant amount of French influences, and that can be heard in the languages and dialects. Today, Grenadian English Creole is more common, while Grenadian French Creole is still popular among older generations.
However, almost all Grenadians speak non-Creole English.
Speaking with Grenadians
For the most part, English speakers should have no issues communicating with the people of Grenada. Since English is the official language of the island, most of the locals will be able to speak English.
However, the Grenadian English and French Creoles can be difficult to understand, especially when spoken quickly. In those cases, you can ask for the speaker to slow down, and that can help you better understand them.
If you travel to the rural areas of Grenada, you may run into trouble. In small villages, the people might speak one of two indigenous languages, Iñeri and Karina.
For the most part, though, people in Grenada will speak some amount of English.
Grenadian Things All Tourists Should Know
Aside from common slang terms and phrases, there are some things you should know about how Grenadians live. Grenada has its own set of customs, and that extends past the local speech patterns.
- First off, you won’t find any numbered addresses. Postal codes and other number-based addresses don’t exist in Grenada. Instead, addresses are descriptive and based on what’s located around them.
- If you want the freedom to travel within Grenada, consider getting a car. While the island has public transportation, buses stop running at 10 p.m. They also don’t run at all on Sundays.
- Don’t rush when in Grenada. That applies to driving but also to daily life. Liming around is probably the most Grenadian activity out there.
- Grenada is one of the safest places you can be. Children ride public transportation on their own, and the whole community treats each other like family.
With the ease of communication and the slow pace of life, we think you could easily say “Goodbye” to your old life and “Hello” to liming around.